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Ξ Λ Ξ V Ξ N & Tiiu Kiik

With a little help of A.I.Kunstitalu - the new music project has born.

We presents a new project of two musicians from two different cultures and languages, this is a meeting of sounds and harmonies that ushers in a whole new chapter in the creative output of both of them. TIIU KIIK - a fragile girl from Paide with an amazing voice and subtle world perception, a real diamond of contemporary Estonian music with a voice that is gentle and unique. Alexei "Prohor" Mostiev (EΛEVEN) - a multi-instrumentalist and sound producer from Moscow who has cooperated with various musicians from Russia and Europe.

A.I.Kunstitalu väikese vahendusega:

Tiiu Kiik: kaks uut lugu koos artistiga EΛEVEN : "Päev" ja "Mis isad ütlevad". // Two new tracks with EΛEVEN: "Päev" and "Mis isad ütlevad". // EΛEVEN aka Alexei "Prohor" Mostiev from Moscow has cooperated with many musicians from Russia and Europe and he has also performed in Estonia with his band Prohor&Puzo.

Estonian Artists Association (EAA) Muhu Art Residency A-I-R program focuses on visual arts, including innovation, architecture, cultural heritage and locally rooted practice.

A.I. is situated on island Muhu, at the west coast of Estonia.


Eesti Kunstnike Liidu Muhu

A. I. Kunstitalu toimib alates 2015. aastast rahvusvahelise kunstiresidentuurina.

Talukompleks pakub loomingulist väljakutset nii kaasaegsetele kunstnikele kui ajaloolastele; lastele kui täiskasvanutele; novaatoritele kui restauraatoritele.

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